0 Sean O’NEILL, - Laboratoire GEPEA - GEnie des Procédés Environnement - Agroalimentaire


Equipe : TEAM | Site : IMT Atlantique Nantes

Tel. : +33 6 22 51 71 50

Mail : sean.oneill@imt-atlantique.fr

Sean O’Neill was born in Craigavon in Northern Ireland in 1993. After studying in Queen’s University Belfast, he obtained a 1st in a Masters of Chemical Engineering with a year working in industry. In late 2017, he began his doctorate in the GEPEA laboratory. His doctoral thesis concerns the development of a solar powered photoreactor for water treatment. The doctoral research will be divided between IMT Atlantique and Queen’s University Belfast. His research within IMT Atlantique explores the mechanism behind the photocatalytic process. At Queen’s University Belfast, he will aim to optimise pilot scale experiments for photocatalysis.