0 Abdellah ARHALIASS, Professeur - Laboratoire GEPEA - GEnie des Procédés Environnement - Agroalimentaire



Equipe : MAPS2 | Site : CRTT Saint Nazaire

Tel. : +33 2 40 17 26 31

Mail : abdellah.arhaliass@univ-nantes.fr

Abdellah Arhaliass received a Master Degree in rheology and mass and heat transfer, at Paris VII University, in 1986. He obtained two PhDs, the first one in biophysics field on blood flow in microcirculatory network, at Paris VII University, in 1990 and the second on multiple scattering of light in dispersed mediums, at National Polytechnic Institute of Toulouse, in 1993. He has been a professor at the University of Technology of Compiègne from 1994 to 2000 and since then at the University of Nantes where he teaches at the Chemical Engineering department of the IUT of Saint-Nazaire and in the Engineering Department of Process and Bioprocess of the Polytechnic School. He is a researcher of the Joined Research Unit (CNRS UMR GEPEA 6144, University of Nantes, ONIRIS and School of Mines of Nantes), constituted by about 220 people. He is responsible for the extrusion activity of the laboratory. His research activities focus on the study of the rheological behaviour of bioresources during transformation processes, in particular reactive and/or enzymatic extrusion applied to the transformation of co-products or seafood products. A dynamic modelling part of transformation processes is studied in order to obtain predictive models for optimizing implementation processes, extrapolation to other matrixes and to understand and use calculation and simulation tools to design and optimize transformations. It also develops sensors (rheometers, light multicasting, laser tablecloth) for online monitoring of transformation kinetics. He has been/is the advisor or co-advisor for more than 20 PhDs and more than 40 Master’s degree and engineers students. He is co-author of ca. 44 publications in international journals and ca. 16 in national journals, 9 book chapters, 8 patents, ca. 80 communications. He is the Scientific Director of more than 30 industrial research contracts and has participated in several regional, national, international and European research programs.

List of the 5 most relevant publications:

  • Vauchel P. 1,2, Kaas R.2, Arhaliass A.1, Baron R.2, Legrand J.1, «A new process for extracting alginates from Laminaria digitata : reactive extrusion», Food and Bioprocess Technology : Springer New York, 1(3), 297-300 (2008).
  • Vauchel P.1, *, Arhaliass A.2, Legrand J.2, Baron R.3, Kaas R.3, «Extrusion assisted extraction: alginate extraction from macroalgae by extrysion process», Enhancing Extraction Processes in the Food Industry, Taylor & Francis Ed., (2011).
  • Baron R.1*, Socol M.1, Kaas R.2, Arhaliass A.3, Rodriguez del Pino J.1, Le Roux K4, Donnay-Moreno C.1, Bergé J.P.1,5, «Elements for optimizing a one-step enzymatic bio-refinery process of shrimp cuticles: focus on enzymatic proteolysis screening», Biotechnology Reports, BTRE-D-16-00105R1, doi: 10.1016/j.btre.2017.01.003, (2016).
  • Dounia Makoure1,2, Abdellah Arhaliass1, Adil Echchelh2, Jack Legrand1, « Valorization of Fish By-Products Using Reactive Extrusion for Biodiesel Production and Optimization», Journal of Waste and Biomass valorisation pp. 1–9, doi:10.1007/s12649-019-00840-5, (2019).
  • Dounia Makoure1,2, Abdellah Arhaliass1, Adil Echchelh2, Jack Legrand1, « Fish oil chemical composition for biodiesel production », Journal of Materials and Environmental Science – vol 10, N° 12, pp. 1221–1229 (2019).